Come join us in Euclid, Ohio, the Lakefront City!
The 2024 Spring Convention is a joint convention for the Johnny Appleseed District and Cardinal District on April 12-13, 2024.
Moving forward, JAD will be using Zeffy instead of Eventbrite.

NOTE: at checkout, it will suggest a donation amount to keep the service free. You don’t have to pay for that. Simply change the amount to “Other” and select $0.
What contests will be held at the Spring Convention?
What if we want to perform
but not compete?
You can. When you register your quartet or chorus, you can designate if and how you would like your performance evaluated by the judges. You can have an unpublished score and evaluation for your-eyes-only, or you can perform without getting scored or evaluated.
Below is a tentative schedule for the weekend. All times are likely to change.
Friday, April 12, 2024
5:00 pm - Registration Opens
6:00 pm - Doors Open
7:00 pm - Quartet Semi-Finals
Immediately Following - JAD/CAR President's Hospitality Room - All Are Invited
Saturday, April 13, 2024
8:30 am - Registration Opens
9:45 am - Doors Open
10:00 am - Chorus Contest
6:00 pm - Doors Open
6:30 pm - Quartet Finals
Immediately Following - Hospitality Rooms Open