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June is hereby proclaimed "Music Education Month in JAD"! The Mini-Corps are just around the corner, and we need YOU and YOUR CHORUS to sign up and attend! At the last few House of Delegates, I've asked your representatives for what you would like to see in a day-long activity designed to up your musical knowledge of our great style. I'm assembling a first-class professional team for each Mini-Corps to accomplish that goal. Each school will involve a TON of singing, as well as expert advice on how we can be better entertainers, better sight readers, and overall more musically adept so we can swell our collective ranks with better singers.


Sound good? I think so! So let's vote with our pocketbooks and sign up on Eventbrite. $27 dollars (which includes lunch) is all it takes to attend this 8-hour singing seminar of goodness!  Instructors (which includes names like David Wallace, Dr. Jay Dougherty, Doug Smeltz, Brian Barford, Don Gray, and many others) are developing an interesting and interactive class just for you. Classes like Proper Vocal Production Techniques, Breathing Life Into Every Song, Tag Singing, Developing Musical Leaders Within Your Chapter, and many others, Classes will be available based on instructors found and their areas of expertise, so please, let's get your chapter involved and make this a great success! The link to sign up is below. My sincere goal is to have you publicize and talk this up at your next meeting and invest chapter funds in your membership by getting them better prepared for our hobby moving forward. 


Mini-Apple Corps Agenda


  • 8:00 am - Registration and Social time

  • 8:30 am - Warm Ups

  • 8:45 am - Introduction of Staff and Classes

  • 9:00 am - Class 1

  • 10:30 am - Class 2

  • Noon - Lunch

  • 1:00 - Class 3

  • 2:00 - Class 4

  • 3:00 - Group Sing


The Johnny Appleseed District is one of the 17 North American districts and an affiliate /associate entity of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. aka the Barbershop Harmony Society.  Founded in 1944, we are a nonprofit organization registered in the State of Ohio.  The District comprises all of Ohio, parts of West Virginia, and southwest Pennsylvania.


Copyright 2012-2024 Johnny Appleseed District


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