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Class Surveys

If you attended Harmony College 2025, please fill out a class survey for each class you attended.  The feedback is given to each instructor anonymously and helps them develop their classes and their presentation skills.

Class Files

If your instructor provided files (PDFs, Power Point, spreadsheets, etc) to be distributed, you can find them in the individual class folder inside the Harmony College 2025 folder linked above.  If nothing is present, allow your instructors a few days to upload and check back later.


Overall Event Survey

If you attended Harmony College 2025, please fill out the overall event survey.  Share thoughts about the facility, the food, the hotel, the staff, the classes, along with any suggestions to improve for next year.

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Watch holiday favorites from around the District on the JAD YouTube Channel
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Some of the Quartet and Chorus Photos are now published on the Convention Site.

Here are some upcoming Chapter Shows around the District...

Send your show flyers and information to to be displayed here!


The Johnny Appleseed District is one of the 17 North American districts and an affiliate /associate entity of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. aka the Barbershop Harmony Society.  Founded in 1944, we are a nonprofit organization registered in the State of Ohio.  The District comprises all of Ohio, parts of West Virginia, and southwest Pennsylvania.

Copyright 2012-2024 Johnny Appleseed District


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